Cat and Dog Teeth Cleaning Services in Montgomery, MN

Cat and Dog Teeth Cleaning Services in Montgomery, MN

The relationship between your pet’s oral health and their overall health is a close one. If an infection develops in the mouth, there is a chance that it will spread to other parts of the body and cause systemic illness. That's why our hospital offers cat and dog teeth cleaning services in Montgomery, MN, to prevent painful oral diseases and other issues. Clean teeth will have a positive impact on your pet’s well-being and may even extend their lifespan.

Is teeth cleaning a staple in your pet’s daily (and yearly) health routine?

If not, we can help you get started.

Cat Teeth Cleaning Montgomery, MN
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Dog Teeth Cleaning Montgomery, MN

How Do I Know if My Pet has Dental Disease?

Often, pets don’t show any outward signs of developing or having dental disease. It starts small and develops gradually. However, if it advances, the following symptoms can result:

  • Bad breath
  • Heavy drooling
  • Blood in saliva
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Dropping food when eating
  • Thick yellow/brown buildup on the teeth

If you notice that your pet’s breath is unusually unpleasant, it would be best to let us know as soon as possible — consider us your cat and dog dentist. Your veterinarian can examine your pet’s mouth and propose the next steps, which may involve a complete teeth cleaning under anesthesia. Pets should have their teeth and gums checked annually so we can keep an eye out for early signs of dental disease.

We Can Help Treat and Prevent Pet Dental Disease

Pet dental care is a crucial part of every dog's and cat’s health plan and should be so at every stage of their life. At Montgomery Animal Hospital, we offer professional teeth cleanings, digital dental X-rays, and tailored anesthesia protocols for the highest level of safety. The overall dental cleaning procedure generally involves:

  • An initial oral exam for a cursory look at your pet’s teeth and gums
  • Pre-anesthetic blood work to assess your pet’s organ function
  • Full-mouth dental X-rays to check for bone and tooth loss, and other hard-to-find signs of dental disease
  • A complete oral exam while your pet is under anesthesia to check each tooth and under the gums
  • A full dental cleaning and teeth polishing to remove plaque, tartar, and calculus and smooth the tooth enamel

Additionally, we recommend brushing your pet’s teeth at home or using other veterinarian-approved means to maintain their oral health. Brushing their teeth daily can increase the length of time between anesthesia teeth cleanings at our animal hospital.


Call us at 952-856-3030 to book your dog or cat teeth cleaning visit to help keep your pet healthy.

Cat and Dog Teeth Cleaning Montgomery, MN